Thursday 4 August 2011

Athens Protesters Hurl Marble as Most Greeks Recoil Over Global Perception

Income for the average Greek with a monthly salary dropped 15 percent to 18 percent in the past year because of lower wages and higher taxes, according to estimates from Dimitris Sotiropoulos, associate professor of political science at the University of Athens.

“People are gradually understanding that we are constructing a new economic model, not a state-dependent economic model,” Sotiropoulos said. “The changes are related to the mentality that was very state centered. It used to be an economy growing on funds distributed by the state.”

“We’ve cut staff and tried to control expenses,” he said at his eatery. “Things have changed. Before the crisis, our patio in the evening would be full, but instead it is empty.”

“It will be a period of five to 10 years where we have to downsize the length of our vacations, the number of our shoes and the number of our telephone appliances and TV sets, and the days we go out to dine,” said Sotiropoulos from the University of Athens. “It is very difficult to convince people to do this because they’ve been used to spending more than they produce.”

“It’s not only that they cut my salary, it’s that everything is more expensive now from the increases in sales taxes,” said Katerina Boubouris, 33, a secretary at a hospital in Athens, who spent nothing in the stores she browsed.

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