Thursday 5 May 2011

A Day with Harry S. Dent Jr.

This is just stunning.
People will say - No Way !!!!!!
Wait until 2016 and we the world will be a very different place.
I agree with every single thing he has said.


Harry argues passionately that we are witnessing the end of the third great bubble in debt, hot on the heels of earlier forays into madness in technology stocks and real estate. Add public and private debt from all sources, and it totals $130 trillion, the greatest accumulation of IOU’s in history.

The triggering factor will be the continued collapse of the residential real estate market. Continued shrinking home equity means that there will be ever fewer buyers in this market. That makes a laughing stock of current bank valuations, which have yet to be marked to market, and still obscure massive losses from the last crash. Have you enjoyed Uncle Ben’s wealth effect through rising stock prices? The movie run in reverse makes Freddie Kruger look like a cream puff, and the outcome will be ugly.

There will be no place to hide, as this will be a global event, and that reallocation towards more defensive sectors will be a waste of time. The Australian stock market will vaporize from 6,000 to 1,000, while Hong Kong will get pared back from 24,000 to 8,000. China is the greatest bubble and could take the biggest hit. The rising middle class will not take their first ever big recession lightly, and coming political turmoil is a given. Canada, with a great resource base behind it, a new government, and rising interest rates, will hold up better than most.

The wholesale destruction of vast quantities of debt through default is having the unintended consequence that it is creating a bond shortage. Here we are, over two years into this recovery and the ten year Treasury bond is yielding 3.26%? Conditions for bonds are about to dramatically improve, and a 2% yield for this paper is potentially on the menu.

Harry argues that the collapse of the plethora of asset bubbles we now see will bring a multiyear bull market for the greenback that could take us up 40% from here. That could take the euro (FXE) down to its foundation level around $0.90. Debt defaults not only create bond shortages, they foster dollar shortages as well.

If there is one commodity not expecting another Great Recession, it is crude oil. Slow the economy more than traders expect, and Texas tea drops in value by half. Strip out the monetary demand from those seeking a dollar alternative, and it halves again. Settle down the Middle East, and it halves a third time. Yes, Harry Dent is predicting that crude will fall from $115 a barrel today (and $128 for Brent), down to $15 by 2015. Yikes!

A strong dollar sends those looking for alternatives into the Looney Bin. Take these frills away, and the barbarous relic becomes just a heavy rock that will take it from $1,550 an ounce, down to $250-$400. Gold bugs are about to get doused with insecticide. As for silver? How about a move from $50 to $4-$8?


SS says

My long term targets are 
Silver between $3 to $8 by or before 2016
Gold between $400 and $750 by or before 2016
Oil between $10 and $33 by or before 2016

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