Sunday, 3 April 2011

Here We Go Again - CDS

Interesting link above

Pls have a look

As I had said before as well - we as humans never learn anything from our past mistakes.

People are repeating the same mistakes they had done in the past that led to the massive credit bubble and the eventual crash in 2008.

If you have read my previous posts on banks again starting to lend at 90% LTV in UK, largest M&A deals back in the US , Stock Exchanges buying each other, skyscrapers being built in anticipation of the coming bull mkt (it wont come Im sure) , cars being sold by GM on no-interest loans etc.

And this is not new - 2nd and 3rd mortgages were the norm in the build up to the 1929 boom - that led it its bust and then unleashed the greatest depression.

We know that the same things happened in 2007 and 1929 and even before that.

The end game is near

Stay alert !!!!!

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